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  • Clash Sparring

  • Point Sparring

  • Traditional Forms

  • Creative Forms

  • Traditional Weapons

  • Creative Weapons


  • Point Sparring

  • Traditional Forms


Open Divisions Rules:

Clash Sparring:

  • Max 3 techniques per person per exchange.  To avoid uncontrolled brawling, a fighter must separate after throwing 3 techniques, regardless of scoring, before exchanging again.  The winner of each round is the competitor with the most points at the end of the match. Ring control and aggression are also taken into consideration as a deciding factor.

  • Each round for Black Belts is two minutes long.  90 seconds for all Under Belts


Point Sparring

  • Once a point is scored the judges will break the action to call points or warnings.

  • Hand Calls (occur during stopped action) – 1 or 2 fingers up high pointing toward the  competitor indicates points scored. Fingers down pointing toward the competitor indicates warnings. Two hands crossed indicates a block or “no see”

  • In the Black Belt divisions the competitor who earns seven (7) points automatically wins. If no one scores seven (7) points by the end of the two minutes, the competitor who is ahead wins.  In the Under belt divisions, the competitor who earns five (5) points automatically wins. If no one scores five (5) points by the end of the two minutes, the competitor who is ahead wins. Scoring points are awarded by a majority vote of the judges. The majority of judges do not have to agree on the same technique being scored, only that a point was scored. If at the end of two minutes the match is tied, the match will continue into a sudden victory overtime period. The first competitor to score a point is declared the winner.


Sparring Rules

  • 1 point for punches, 2 for kicks

  • Light HEAD CONTACT permitted – No Frontal Face Contact, you can only score a point to a padded part of the gear. Absolutely no face contact, even with a mask.

  • Complete Uniform is Mandatory – No T-shirt Unless that is your school uniform. Absolutely no wearing of groin protectors on the outside of your uniform.

  • Protective Foam Covered Gear Mandatory: Head, Hands, Foot, Groin Protector for Male and Mouth Piece. Chest protector is optional.  

  • Protective face masks are not required but are strongly recommended for ages 17 and under.

  • Ring Star and specific sparring shoes are permitted.

  • When Scoring a point, you must remain on your feet or complete your technique without falling.

  • A competitor may not receive a point and a warning on the same call.



  • First Offense: Warning

  • Second Offense: A point is added to opponent’s score.

  • Third Offense: Disqualification

  • Injuries resulting in bloodshed will generally result in disqualification - but it is up to the center referee's discretion.



  • Attacking illegal and non-target areas.

  • Using illegal techniques.

  • Running out of the ring to avoid fighting.

  • Falling to the floor to avoid fighting.

  • Continuing after being ordered to stop (fighting after break).

  • Excessive stalling.

  • Blind, negligent or reckless attacks.

  • Uncontrolled techniques.

  • Any unsportsmanlike behavior from the competitor or his/her coaches, friends, etc.

  • Any abusive behavior from the competitor or his/her coach, teammates, family, friends, etc., such that the referee feels it affects the outcome of the match or the performance of the officials or other competitors.

  • Excessive contact.


Target Areas and Techniques

  • Legal Target Areas: Entire headgear, ribs, chest, abdomen and kidneys.

  • Illegal Target Areas: Neck, throat, groin, legs, knees and back are all illegal target areas. Any attacks to these areas could result in a warning and/or penalty points.

  • Non-Target Areas: Hips, shoulders, arms, and feet are all non-target areas. Points cannot be scored to non-target area. If a competitor is intentionally  attacking these areas, warning and/or penalty point may be awarded.

  • Legal Techniques: Legal techniques are all controlled strikes with hands or feet, except those listed as illegal.

  • Illegal Techniques: Head butts, hair pulls, bites, scratches, elbows, knees, eye attacks of any kind, ground fighting surface floors, any stomps or kicks to the head of a downed opponent, slapping, grabbing, uncontrolled blind techniques, any uncontrolled dangerous techniques that are deemed unsafe by the judges.  Sweeps, Takedowns, Grabs, and Ground Fighting are not allowed.  A fighter is down when any part of the body, other than the feet is touching the floor.


Touch Contact

  • Light Touch Contact means there is no penetration or visible movement of the opponent as a result of the technique. Light touch may be made to all legal target areas.

  • Moderate Touch Contact means slight penetration or slight target movement. Moderate touch may be made to all legal target areas except the head and face.

  • Excessive Contact is made when an opponent strikes with force in excess of what is necessary to score a point. Indications of excessive contact:

    • Visible snapping back of a competitor's head from the force of a blow.

    • A knockdown of an opponent (not recklessly charging into a technique or occurring in instances where the fallen party either fell, slipped, or was off balance).

    • A knockout of an opponent.

    • The appearance of severe swelling or bleeding. (Bleeding or other obvious external injury may in itself be grounds for excessive contact if it is considered the fault of a competitor) (Bleeding, however, does not necessarily imply excessive contact).


Other Penalty Rules

  • A competitor cannot be penalized and still receive a point on the same call. A penalty always overrules a point by the same competitor.

  • A competitor can receive a point because his/her opponent was penalized and at the same time receive a point or points for scoring.

  • If a competitor is injured and it is considered that he/she is responsible for his/her own injury, or no fault can be associated with the injury, the opponent will not be penalized (i.e., ducking into a knee, butting heads, etc.). In the event a fighter is unable to continue because of a no-fault foul, his/her opponent will be declared the winner even if he/she is not ahead at the time of the foul.

  • If a competitor's injury was deemed the responsibility of his/her opponent, the opponent is then disqualified, even if the injured person can not continue.

  • If a competitor scores a point and immediately proceeds to break the rules, even if it was after the point technique, the warning for breaking the rules voids the point ( a competitor cannot receive a point and a warning on the same call).



Disqualification of a competitor requires a majority vote by all officials, except when a competitor is automatically disqualified when he/she receives three penalty points. a competitor's injury was deemed the responsibility of his/her opponent, the opponent is then disqualified, even if the injured party cannot continue.



A competitor is out-of-bounds as soon as he/she does not have at least one foot touching inside or on the boundary line. Stepping out-of-bounds does not immediately stop the match. An out-of-bounds competitor may be scored on by his/her opponent so long as the in-bounds competitor has at least one foot in bounds and the referee has not signaled to stop. In the event of a jumping technique, the attacking competitor must land with one foot in-bounds in order to score.



  • Coaches are NOT allowed ringside.  All coaching is done from the spectator area. Never, at any time, can a coach, friend, team member, etc., enter the ring without the referee's permission (only the officials, competitors and medical personnel are normally allowed in a ring).

  • No abusive, violent, unsportsmanlike or overzealous coaching allowed.

  • A coach cannot ask for a time out (only a competitor may ask for a time out).

  • A coach can never, at any time, interfere with the proper running of the ring or the decisions of the judges.

  • Penalties for any of the above coaching infractions are issued by the Center Judge.


Traditional Weapons Forms / Traditional Forms

Judging will be based on execution of technique, application of technique, balance, speed, power, solid stances, focus and intensity/loud yells. Forms may be unmodified or modified from what a system or school considers to be the original version of the form; however, performance of the following movements will result in a downgrade of the 

form, or upon unanimous vote of the judges, a “no score” as a form inappropriate for the division: Movements that involve more than a 360 degree spin, require the body to be inverted more than parallel to the floor, more than two kicks with the same leg without putting the foot down in between; front or back flips; cartwheels; front or side leg splits; releases of the weapon other than simple hand switches; or any other gymnastic movements or extreme exhibitions of flexibility or agility with the body or weapon that are deemed in the opinion of the judges to be inappropriate for the division pursuant to the general guidelines set forth here. (**Forward Roll is a legal Traditional Technique.)  You may put your weapon down during the form if the form calls for it. If you drop your weapon you will immediately be disqualified. 


Open Forms/Weapons (Creative)

The Open Division allows forms to include contemporary martial arts techniques that may be added to a traditional form, or the form may be devised in its entirety by the competitor.  A form in the Open Division must ONLY include techniques which originate from martial arts and like the Traditional Division, emphasis will be placed on execution 

of the techniques, application of the techniques, balance, speed, power, solid stances, focus and intensity/loud yell, Spinning kicks, jump spinning kicks, flying kicks, multiple kicks, splits, cartwheels, weapon twirls, weapon releases, and other creative martial arts techniques are permitted.  Although one creative move qualifies a competitor for the 

creative divisions, it should be expected that a creative form or weapon routine with multiple creative moves of good quality would prevail as the winner, assuming all other criteria is met.

NJMAA Division Rules

Point Sparring


• Point Value – 1 point for all punches, 2 points for all kicks

• Target Area – active scoring area is above the belt, in front of the uniform seam (where the uniform is sewn under the armpit to the hip), the helmet (kicks only)

• Neutral Areas – shoulders, arms, and hips

• To score a point – the technique must demonstrate: control, chamber and rechamber, balance, and the possibility of power; the technique must also make controlled contact to the active target areas (the head may be scored on without making contact if the competitor shows that he/she could have landed the technique but held back—coming within a few inches)

• Once a point is scored the judges will break the action to call points or warnings

• Hand Calls (occur during stopped action) – 1 or 2 fingers up high pointing toward the competitor indicates points scored. 1, 2, 3 fingers down pointing toward the competitor indicates warnings. Two hands crossed indicates a block or “no see”


• Each round is 2 minutes long

• Each competitor is designated by a color, either white or red (the red competitor has a red cloth on the back of his/her belt)

• The first competitor to score 5 points wins (black belts need 7 points to win)

• Judges may only call what they see (even if it may seem obvious that a point was scored, a judge may not call a point unless he/she sees the point land)

• NJMAA sparring is a single round elimination

• Warnings include kicks or punches to non-active target areas, excessive contact, grabbing, running out of the ring 3x or more, contact toward the face, choking, biting, take downs, provoking opponent, using foul language

• When one competitor receives 2 warnings their opponent is awarded 1 point

• 3 warnings to one competitor is a disqualification

• At any sign of blood, the opponent will be disqualified

• No coaching allowed! Anyone coaching will be removed, if the coach becomes unruly the competitor will be disqualified

• If a competitor is demonstrating hostility, malicious intent, or poor sportsmanship the judges may disqualify the competitor


Sudden Victory –

• In the event of a tie, the round will continue until the next point is scored

• Warnings will carry over into the sudden victory round




• Each competitor who performs will receive a score from the judges, ranging from 1 to 10

• The competitor will receive three separate scores, one from each of the judges, which will be combined to determine the total score (example. 7, 8, 8 = total score 23)

• The judges will only score on the content of the form. The score will be a fair opinion; which is based on target area of the techniques, stances, intensity, eye-focus, timing, consistency of the techniques and their preparations, flexibility and demonstration of power.

• The first three competitors will perform before the first score is announced in order to give the judges a basis of comparison.

• After the third form is completed the first three competitors will be scored at the same time, in order of appearance

• Competitors may ask for a second attempt with no penalty – only before the judges score the first attempt. The competitor must raise his/her hand to catch the head judge’s attention

• The competitor will be penalized points at the judge’s discretion for adjusting his/her form to stay within the boundaries of the ring



• The form must be performed inside the boundaries of the tournament ring, unless a ring extension is requested

• All competitors must demonstrate a respectful greeting and departure when entering and leaving the ring. (ie: bowing in and out of ring, thanking the judges)

• A competitor, coach, or family member who intentionally disrupts a competitor’s performance or displays poor sportsmanship may be removed without refund

• If a competitor who is not performing is inside the ring during an active competition therefore causing the active competitor to adjust his/her form, the non-performing competitor will be disqualified for that event and the perfoming competitor will be given another attempt (but only if the non-competitor has been disqualified). This rule includes the equipment of spectators and other competitors

• Questioning a judge’s score or integrity is prohibited! Competitors may not ask the judge to explain any call during the active ring time

• All competitors must wear a uniform, including top, pants, and belt



• In the event of a tie score, the competitors will perform their forms for the judges again

• The competitors only have one attempt and may not ask the judges for a second attempt

• 2-way tie – the scores given will either be a 7 or 9; each judge may only give a 7 once and a 9 once. The competitors will both be scored at the end of the second competitor’s form

• 3-way tie, or more – the competitors will receive only one attempt to perform his/her form. The scoring will remain from 1 to 10






  • Each competitor who performs will receive a score from the judges, ranging from 1 to 10.

  • The competitor will receive three separate scores, one from each of the judges; which will be combined to determine the total score (example. 7, 8, 8 = total score of 23). 

  • The judges will only score on the content of the form.

  • The score will be a fair opinion; which is based on target area of the techniques, stances, intensity, eye-focus, timing, consistency of the techniques and their preparations, flexibility and demonstration of power.

  • The first three competitors will perform before the first score is announced to give the judges a basis for comparison. After the third form is completed the first three competitors will be scored at the same time, in order of appearance

  • The competitor may ask for a second attempt with no penalty — only available before the judges score the first attempt. The competitor must raise his/her hand to catch a judge’s attention and ask for the second attempt.

  • The competitor may be penalized points, at the judge’s discretion, for adjusting his/her form to stay within the boundaries of the ring.



  • The form must be performed inside the boundaries of the tournament ring, unless a ring extension is requested

  • All competitors must demonstrate a respectful greeting and departure when entering and leaving the ring. (Example: bowing in and out before form, thanking the judges)

  • A competitor, coach, or family member who intentionally disrupts a competitor’s performance or displays poor sportsmanship may be removed without refund

  • If a competitor who is not performing is inside the ring during an active competition and causes the active competitor to adjust his/her form, the non-performing competitor will be disqualified for that event and the perfoming competitor will be given another attempt (but only if the non-competitor has been disqualified). This rule includes the equipment of spectators and other competitors

  • Questioning a judge’s score or integrity is prohibited! Competitors may not ask the judge to explain any call during the active ring time

  • All competitors must have a uniform including top, pants, and belt



  • In the event of a tie, the competitors will perform their forms for the judges again

  • The competitors only have one attempt and may not ask the judges for a second attempt.

  • 2 way tie – the scores given will either be a 7 or 9; each judge may only give a 7 once and a 9 once. The competitors will both be scored at the end of the second competitor’s form

  • 3 way tie, or more – the competitors will receive only one attempt to perform his/her form. The scoring will remain from 1 to 10

Sparring – Color Belts


  • Point value – 1 point for punch or kick to the body, 2 points for a kick to the head or jump kick to the body, 3 points for a jump kick to the head

  • Target Area – active scoring area is above the belt, in front of the uniform seam (where the uniform is sewn under the arm pit to the hip), the helmet (kicks only)

  • Neutral Areas – shoulders, arms, elbows, and belt

  • To score a point – the technique must demonstrate: control, chamber and rechamber, balance, and the possibility of power; the technique must also make controlled contact to the active target areas (the head may be scored on without making contact if the competitor shows that he/she could have landed the technique but held back—coming within 4 inches)

  • Once a point is scored the judges will break the action to call points or warnings

  • Hand Calls (occur during stopped action) – 1, 2, or 3 fingers up high pointing toward the competitor indicates points scored. 1, 2, or 3 fingers down pointing toward the competitor indicates warnings. Two hands crossed indicates a block or "no see"


  • Each round will be 2 minutes long

  • Each competitor will be designated with a color, either white or red (the red competitor will have a red cloth on the back of his/her belt)

  • The first competitor to score 5 points wins

  • Judges may only call what they see (even if it is obvious that a point has been scored a judge may not call a point unless he/she sees the point land) 

  • NJMAA sparring is a single round elimination

  • Warnings include kicks or punches to non-active target areas, excessive contact, grabbing, running out of the ring 3x or more, contact toward the face, choking, biting, take downs, provoking opponent, using foul language

  • When one competitor receives 2 warnings their opponent is awarded 1 point

  • 3 warnings for a competitor is a disqualification

  • Any sign of blood and the opponent will be disqualified

  • No coaching allowed! Anyone coaching a competitor on what to do from the sidelines will be removed, if the coach becomes unruly the competitor will be disqualified

  • If a competitor is demonstrating hostility, malicious intent, or poor sportsmanship the center judge may disqualify the competitor


Sudden Victory –

  • In the event of a tie, the round will continue until the next point is scored

  • Warnings will carry over in to the sudden victory round


Sparring – Black Belts


  • Point value, target area, and hand calls are all the same as for colored belts

  • Neutral Areas – shoulders, arms, elbows, kidneys, and belt. Hands to the head (not face) are also neutral areas

  • To score a point – same as for colored belts with the exception of controlled techniques which must be within 1 inch of opponent to score a point.

  • The judges will score points with a counter without stopping action

  • Action will be stopped to call warnings only



  • Rules are the same as for colored belts, except that when time runs out the judges will call

  • the higher of the two scores to determine the winner


Sudden Victory

  • Same as for colored belts




Sparring Only:

No hands to the head will be counted for points.

All kicks are 2 points. 

All hands are 1 point.

Everyone spars 3 rounds, 1.5 mins each.


There is no limit on points, so you can rack up as many points as you can in that 1.5 mins.

© 2019 NJMAA

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